Letter Writing

ARAN Letter-Writing Network

July Letter Writing Kit

11 Years of Trauma – 11 Years Too Long   ENOUGH is ENOUGH

Why it is important to write about this issue.

After 11 long years, the punitive consequences of the July 2013 change to refugee policy are still being felt.

  • Approximately 50 refugees and asylum seekers are still trapped in PNG. These men are the responsibility of the Australian Government which transported them there. Australia has abandoned these men, and since Nov 2023, the men have been denied basic support food and medical treatment.
  • The remaining refugees on Nauru were brought to Australia in September 2023, but since then people intercepted on boats north of Australia have been taken to Nauru. There are reportedly 100 people detained on Nauru now. Detainees on Nauru report conditions to be much the same as during the “bad” old days: difficulty accessing medical care and other services; uncertainty and hopelessness due to lack of information about what’s to happen to them.
  • Approximately one thousand people previously held in PNG or Nauru who were brought to Australia for medical treatment are living in the Australian community on insecure bridging visas.  They are denied permanent protection and have limited rights to work, education and health care.

In the kit you will find further background, postcards that can be printed off and mailing addresses for politicians.   Add your own comment to the postcards before you send them.  Or send an email with a message for Labor MPs and Senators. 

Click here for the PDF version        Click here for the Word version

Past Letter Writing Kits (Word Versions)

Contact details for Federal Politicians:

Members of the House of Representatives

PO Box 6022
House of Representatives, Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600


PO Box 6100
Senate, Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Government Ministers

Anthony Albanese, Prime Minister

Phone: (02) 6277 7700.

Contact Form: https://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm

Clare O’Neil, Minister for Home Affairs

Email: Clare.ONeil.MP@aph.gov.au

Phone: Canberra Office: (02) 6277 7860

Phone: Electoral Office: (03) 9545 6211

Contact Form: https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Contact_Senator_or_Member?MPID=140590

Andrew Giles, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs

Contact Form: https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Contact_Senator_or_Member?MPID=243609

Phone: Canberra Office: (02) 6277 7770

Phone: Electoral Office: (03) 9404 1911

Shadow Ministers

Peter Dutton, Leader of the Opposition

Email: Peter.Dutton.MP@aph.gov.au

Phone: not yet available

Karen Andrews, Shadow Minister for Home Affairs

Email: Karen.Andrews.MP@aph.gov.au

Phone: not yet available

Dan Tehan, Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship

Contact Form: https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Contact_Senator_or_Member?MPID=210911

Phone: not yet available

Also, send a copy of your letter or email to your local Member of Parliament.

  • Their contact details are on the Federal Parliamentary website Senators and Members pages.

Letters to Editors

Below are the major capital cities newspapers, but also write to your local newspaper.

Letter-Writing Groups

See also:



Send a message calling for compassion for refugees

Encourage your friends and family to join you in taking this small action for refugees.

See below links to a selection of postcards you can print off and mail to your local MP and/or Minister Andrew Giles and  Minister Claire O’Neil     c/- Parliament House, PO Box 6022, Canberra  2600  

Find the address for your local MP here: local MP Find your federal MP here

Sheet of 4 postcards to print off   (with Parliament House address for Ministers ) 



Sheet of 4 postcards to print off ( address blank for mailing to local MPs)    



Foldable card – black and white – add your own message and send in envelope.



Foldable card – colour – add your own message and send in envelope.



OR…   just send a Christmas EMAIL to politicians – Family Reunion for Refugees    Word doc (Xmas – Email Postcard instructions)


Just Copy and Paste the picture and text below into your email or write your own message.

Send to:




This Christmas thousands of refugees in Australia remain separated from their families.

This must change.  Give refugees permanent visas and allow them to reunite with their families.

Australia’s cruel treatment of refugees must end.

Make the change now.

(your name)
(your address)



Refugee Rights are Human Rights Refugee Rights are Human Rights Free the Refugees Printable Postcards These are pre-addressed; four to a page. Download the image to print and send to your favourite MP. Don’t forget to add your name, address and a postage stamp. Home to Biloela Postcards

Home to Biloela Postcards Printable Postcards These are pre-addressed; four to a page.  Download the image to print and send to your favourite MP. Don’t forget to add your name, address and a postage stamp.

Australia Day 2021 Postcards 4 aust p'cards

Onshore Detention Conditions Download and print A4 x 4 Postcards – Onshore Detention Conditions Iraqi Interpreters postcards – A4 x4 Download and print A4 x 4 Postcards – Iraqi Interpreters postcards – A4 x4 or download a single copy you can tweak and paste into your email.   2019 e-Xmas card download, copy and paste into your email to your favourite MPs and Senators. Feel free to use this image in emails to politicians at Christmas – calling for the Biloela family to be freed. (Thanks to the Grandmothers and – Jack Chadwick for this e-Xmas card) Postcard Calling For Family Reunion download, copy and paste into your email to your favourite MPs and Senators. (Thanks to Justice for Refugees) #Save Medevac Postcards – print and send to Senators in your State #toNZ Postcards provided by Rural Australians for Refugees #toNZ Postcards – use for Prime Minister #toNZ Postcards – use for Members of Parliament #toNZ Postcards – use for Senators Biloela Postcards Let us go Home to Biloela – use for Members of Parliament Let us go Home to Biloela– use for Senators  
