Rallies were held across Australia
on Palm Sunday 14 April 2019
2019 Palm Sunday Rallies called for Peace, Justice for
Refugees and A Fair Go for All.
Media Release for Palm Sunday 14 April 2019.
Find out more about the 2019 Palm Sunday rallies:
Images, video and stories links from around Australia.
Some of the wonderful speeches from the Melbourne Walk for Justice for Refugees are available here.
Read Richard Flanagan’s rally speech.
Mark Isaacs said: “Yesterday there was an unmistakeable sense of optimism in the air. People were smiling. The chants were strong and defiant. The people can feel the tide turning against cruelty and towards justice.”

Video clip from Canberra Rally here

And RAR groups were in Melbourne, Sydney and across the country
Around 50 members of the Blue Mountains Refugee Support group travelled down to attend the Palm Sunday Rally in Sydney yesterday, very visible in our blue t-shirts! Our banner was held up high by our members during the march to Victoria Park, after hearing some stirring speeches in Belmore Park, including that of Socceroo coach Craig Forster. The rally was well attended, with over 5,000 people there, and when you consider that rallies were held all over the country yesterday that number swells to many thousands more, representing groups such as: RAR, Teachers for Refugees, Mums4Refugees, Refugee Action Coalition, People Like Us and the Grandmas – as well as many churches and a large contingent from The Greens.
Some of the Media hits
- Refugee sends plea from Manus Island (Green Left Weekly)
- Local committee shows their support for refugees (Great Lakes Advocate)
- Thousands Rally To Support Refugees In Palm Sunday Demonstrations (10 Daily)
- Palm Sunday rally says “yes” to refugees (Honi Soit – University of Sydney)
- Thousands rally to support refugees (Canberra Times)
- Thousands take part in Palm Sunday rallies to support refugees (SMH)
- National rallies to bring refugees to Aust (SBS News)
- ‘Close the torture camps’: Hundreds march in Palm Sunday rally (The Age)
- Cairns refugee advocates call for change in Walk for Justice on Esplanade (Cairns Post)
- Annual Palm Sunday rally calls for refugee policy reform (SkyNews)
- Thousands to rally to bring refugees to Australia (9News)
- Hundreds say yes to refugees at Wollongong’s Palm Sunday rally (Illawarra Mercury)
- Thousands gather across Australia for Palm Sunday refugee rallies (SBS News)
- Palm Sunday Refugee Rally (Eureka Street)
Nauru and Manus condemned at Armidale Rally in Central Park (Armidale Express)
- Palm Sunday justice for refugees marches lead this weeks Activist Report (Green Left Weekly)
Richard Flanagan’s rally speech
Postcards for Palm Sunday 2019
Palm Sunday Walk for Refugees 2019 photos gallery

Friday 12 April
- Bowral: 5.30-6.30pm, Justice for Refugees Vigil
Corbett Plaza, Bowral
Facebook event here
Photos from our vigil, which was accompanied by beautiful music of Jeremy and Alex, are available on Southern Highlands RAR Facebook page. We called for Justice for asylum seekers and refugees on Manus and Nauru, for all Australian children and refugees to be brought home, and to restore funding for those who have been waiting for years for status resolution In Yass
Sunday 14 April
- Adelaide: 2pm. I CHOOSE HUMANE.
Victoria Square, Adelaide
Facebook event here
- Alice Springs: 9am, Safe Harbour Community Art Launch
John Flynn Uniting Church, Safe Harbour art launch
Facebook event here
- Armidale: 11am. Walk for Justice for Refugees.
11am Meet at Central Park.
11.30am Walk to Armidale Mall.
Return to Central Park for Speakers
- Lennox Head: 11am. Ballina Region for Refugees Palm Sunday Rally
Foreshore at Lennox Head near the bus stop and across the road from the shops at The guest speaker is Dr Gabrielle Rose from the Refugee Medical Evacuation Support Group.
- Bendigo: 12 Noon Justice for Refugees Vigil
Meeting at 12 noon at
St Andrew’s UCA, St Paul’s Cathedral, Sacred Heart Cathedral, St Killian’s,
or at the Poppet Head in Rosalind Park,
and walking to the Bendigo Library Gardens.
Facebook event here
- Brisbane: 2-4pm. Palm Sunday Rally for Peace and Refugees
Speakers Corner, outside Parliament House, Corner of George and Alice Streets, Brisbane.
Facebook event here
- Cairns: 10am. Walk For Justice For Refugees – People Just Like us
Cairns Western Events LawnCairns EsplanadeFacebook event here
- Canberra: 1pm. Enough is Enough: Palm Sunday 2019 Rally for Refugees
Garema Place, Canberra
Facebook event here
- Forster: 11am. Justice for Refugees rally
Forster Main Baths then a walk via footpaths across the bridge to Tuncurry to the park for a 30 minute where a silent vigil will take place.
Facebook event here
For more information:http://www.greatlakesrar.org/contact-us/
- Hobart: 2-4pm. Refugee Rights on Palm Sunday
Parliament Lawns, Hobart
Facebook event here
- Launceston: 12.30pm-2.30pm. Walk for Refugee Justice
BYO picnic in Princes Square from 12.30pm.
The Walk starts at 2pm sharp, making its way from Princes Square via the Brisbane St Mall to City Park.
A simple celebration will take place in City Park from approx. 2.30pm.
Wet weather arrangements: 2pm in Milton Hall, 13 Frederick Street,
over the road from Princes Square.
- Melbourne: 2-5pm. Walk for Justice for Refugees
State Library of Victoria
Facebook event here.
To endorse the rally email info@refugeeadvocacynetwork.org.au
- Newcastle: 12-2pm. Newcastle Says Yes To Refugees Palm Sunday
Foreshore Park near Tramshed.
Facebook event here
- Perth: 1-3pm. Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees 2019
St George’s Cathedral
Facebook event here
- Sydney: 2-4pm. Say Yes to Refugees
Belmore Park, 191 Hay St, Haymarket, NSW.
Facebook event here
- Townsville: 4-6pm. Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees
The Strand, Townsville
Meet at the Rockpool and walk to the Gregory St Amphitheatre
Facebook event here
- Whyalla: 2:30-3:30pm. Compassion and Justice for Refugees
Corner of Hincks Avenue and Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla
- Wollongong: 12.30pm – 2.30pm.
Wollongong Palm Sunday rally for refugees!
Wollongong Town Hall
Facebook event here
- Yass: 2pm. Stand with Us on Palm Sunday
Riverbank Park, (at the Gazebo, near the poplars), Yass, NSW
Facebook event here
Townsville Multicultural Support Group‘s Sibbo Sengabo, Isla Swan, Tahlia Briggs, Shinila Varghese, Sally McGovern, Rukiye Apaydin, Johanna Kodoatie-Cahill, Amy Dhewayani and Peter Hanley from Amnesty International ahead of the 2018 Walk for Justice. Picture: Shae Beplate
Palm Sunday Media Release – RAC Sydney
RAR Media Release for PALM SUNDAY
More Palm Sunday 2019 Articles
- Palm Sunday walk to empty Manus and Nauru detention centres (Armidale Express) https://www.armidaleexpress.com.au/story/6026768/palm-sunday-walk-to-bring-justice-for-refugees/
- ‘Walk for Justice’ for refugees – Western Independent
https://westernindependent.com.au/2019/04/11/walk-for-justice-for-refugees/ - Palm Sunday a time for all to say ‘Yes to Refugees, No to Racism’ (Newcastle Herald)
https://www.theherald.com.au/story/6013063/taking-a-stand-for-a-welcoming-nation/ - WALK FOR REFUGEES
Be a part of something bigger this weekend with Amnesty International’s Townsville Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees. Participants can sign postcards to be sent to the Prime Minister detailing support for a ‘choose humane’ campaign recently launched by the Refugee Council of Australia. Walkers will meet at the Rockpool and walk to the Gregory Street Ampitheatre for speeches and entertainment. WHERE: The Strand, WHEN: Sunday, April 14 from 4pm, COST: Free https://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/news/townsville/things-to-do-in-townsville-whats-on-this-weekend/news-story/c5e27008604572a99799f193c0693234
Supporting statement for Palm Sunday Rally
from Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group (BMRSG).
If the Australian Government and Federal Opposition honoured the United Nations Refugee Convention to which we are a signatory, the humanitarian crisis we have created would be alleviated and those seeking asylum in Australia would be given a secure and safe haven.
Offshore processing, mandatory and indefinite detention, the turning back of boats,deportation of refugees and asylum seekers to the country they have fled, impermanent visas, the discretionary powers of the Minister,the inadequate support of refugees and asylum seekers in our community,the prisons on Manus and Nauru, the denial of human rights to those coming by boat and the treatment of the refugee issue as a security issue and all that entails MUST BE STOPPED.
The Palm Sunday Rally seeks to help restore human rights to those who seek our protection and we will not rest until that becomes a reality.
Supporting statement for Palm Sunday Rally
from Justice for Refugees SA
Join us and show your support for:
- An Australia that treats people seeking asylum humanely and in accordance with Australia’s international obligations, ensuring access to a fair application process, irrespective of mode or date of arrival.
- An Australia where people are free to live in the community while their claims are transparently processed.
- An Australia that expands alternative migration pathways for refugees, increases access to family reunion and creates opportunities for increased community involvement in the refugee resettlement program
- An Australia that shows leadership in working with governments and people in the Asia-Pacific to address the causes of refugee displacement and increase access to sustainable humanitarian solutions that include aid, active diplomacy and resettlement.