Rohingya Crisis Response Campaign

Rohingya Crisis Response Amnesty International Campaign

The Myanmar security forces’ continue to persecute the Rohingya people subjecting them to rape, murder, torture and forced starvation as well as the use of landmines, and targeted burning of villages.

The Australian government is complicit in these crimes by continuing to maintain a relationship and provide funding to them. It’s time to take this campaign to the streets.

See Amnesty’s Rohingya Rights Activist resources.

August 14 2018
Since August 2017 hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees have fled Myanmar following unlawful and disproportionate military response to attacks by a Rohingya armed group.

Though they have lived in Myanmar for generations, the Myanmar government have discriminated against the Rohingya for decades, subjecting them to abusive laws and policies and refusing to recognise them as citizens.

Since August last year the Myanmar military has unleashed a deadly assault on Rohingya people in Rakhine State. The Myanmar military has raped women and girls, starved people and burned hundreds of villages. Thousands of people are dead and more than 700,000 are living in refugee camps in neighbouring Bangladesh.

Find out all about the campaign and how you can take action and/or at Rohingya Rights Activist resources.

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