Palm Sunday 2025

Palm Sunday 2025 is Sunday 13 April

Listing of Palm Sunday Events      Plan a local event     Social media     Lobby politicians     Action by faith communities     Background Information     Make a donation

Justice for Refugees Palm Sunday actions and events will be held cross Australia on 13 April 2025 to raise public awareness of the injustices experienced by thousands of refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia.

Be a part of the 2025 National Day of Action on Sunday 13 April, calling for Justice for Refugees and Permanent Protection for All Refugees   (#justice4refugees   #PermanentVisas )

Take Action and join the call for an end to the cruel and harmful policies that have been in place for far too long. All people seeking protection as refugees need to be treated fairly and with compassion. See more detail in the Background Information

Even if you can’t attend an event, you can always lobby politicians and ask them to support the call for Justice for Refugees:   Send a letter or postcard, or email MPs and Senators.

Palm Sunday Events:  

Email details of your event to be added to this list


  • Canberra – Palm Sunday Rally: Say Yes to Refugees
    Sunday 13 April 1.00pm Civic Square
    See poster here



  • Sydney – Palm Sunday Rally and March – PEACE not WAR – Permanent visas for refugees
    Sunday 13 April 2.00pm Belmore Park – (near Central Station, march to Victoria Park)
    See poster here





Plan your local event

Actions will be held right across Australia.

More info to follow.


Social Media

Follow the ARAN Facebook page and share posts and information through your network.

Create a Facebook event page for your Palm Sunday event, and tag the ARAN Facebook page


Lobby politicians – visit in person, or send and email or letter

Request a meeting, send an email or write a letter to Labor MPs, the Prime Minister and senators

See below the Background Information on the issues to raise with your local Labor MP and the Labor senators for your state.


Action by Faith communities

More info to follow.


Background Information


Palm Sunday is the day to come together and stand up for Justice for Refugees.


  • Permanent visas and family reunion for all refugees
  • Fair and timely assessment of all claims for refugee status
  • Health care, work rights, income support, and access to education for all seeking asylum
  • Freedom – Release ALL refugees from detention
  • Resettlement in Australia for refugees still remaining in Papua New Guinea (PNG)
  • Resettlement of UNHCR registered refugees trapped in Indonesia
  • An end to offshore processing and detention
  • An increase in the humanitarian intake of refugees

While the Labor Government has brought some positive change, and the High Court has put an end to indefinite and arbitrary immigration detention, there are still thousands of refugees and people seeking asylum waiting for a safe and secure future.

Late in 2024 the Labor Government shocked many Australians by passing legislation which will allow people to be deported to danger, and allows the government to pay other countries to accept people Australia wants to deport. The Minister has also been given power to overturn refugee status – this will result in people being denied the protection they need.

ALL Refugees need permanent visas and access to family reunion:   In February 2023 the government announced that 19,000 people on temporary TPVs and SHEV visas would be granted permanent visas. However, under the flawed so-called ‘Fast Track System’, around 10,000 people have waited years to have their claims for refugee status determined, and many have been unfairly denied. The process is neither fast nor fair. These people need a fair and thorough review process that acknowledges the changing conditions in the countries they fled. All People seeking recognition as refugees need fair and timely assessment processes

People who are seeking recognition as refugees need work rights and support in the community:   People on bridging visas have no access to income support if they can’t work enough to support themselves and their families.  Being on short term visas they often find it difficult to find permanent work. Many do not have work rights or Medicare. They are often struggling in poverty and living in substandard and insecure housing. Adults who want to undertake further training are not eligible to build their work skills.

People who do not have permanent visas are unable to undertake tertiary study unless they pay international student fees. Young children cannot access early childhood education and people with disabilities are being denied NDIS funding.

All people who are seeking asylum need supports and opportunities to live in dignity, and not be at risk of destitution, while they wait for their refugee claims to be assessed.

No refugee or person seeking asylum should be deprived of their liberty:  The Albanese Government has released a number of people from long term detention under very punitive conditions.  Many of these people have not committed serious crimes, and some have never been charged been accused of committing of any crime.  Anyone who has served a prison sentence in Australia should not be further deprived of their liberty but rather, they should be offered rehabilitation and allowed to live in the community.

Offshore processing must end:  Around 100 people are now being held on Nauru.  They are facing offshore detention and years of uncertainty, paid for by Australians.  We cannot allow this to continue. Around 1200 refugees who were held in detention in PNG and Nauru, before being brought here for medical treatment are now living on bridging visas indefinitely in Australia because our government refuses to grant them permanent visas.  Most of these people are now working in Australia, paying taxes, and need to be offered secure futures.

There are still around 40 people trapped in Port Moresby– they have been detained in PNG since 2013 and they are now desperate:  Having been held in PNG for nearly 12 years and detained in terrible conditions for much of that time, these people have been abandoned.  Some are now desperately ill – they need medical evacuation.  They all need immediate pathways to safe resettlement here in Australia.  Australia has spent billions of dollars detaining them in PNG and has a moral and legal duty of care for their welfare.

Australia needs to provide resettlement for refugees stranded in Indonesia:  Around 14,000 refugees and people seeking asylum from Afghanistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka have been stuck in Indonesia since 2014 when the Australian Government refused to offer resettlement, even those registered with UNHCR. These people cannot be resettled in Indonesia and cannot return to their home countries. Australia must give equal opportunity for resettlement in Australia.  Many of these people already have family members here.

The Australian government needs to significantly increase the quota for resettling refugees:  The Albanese government has committed to increase the number of refugees to be resettled, and it is encouraging to see that in 2023-24 the quota was raised to 20,000.  Thousands of refugees are desperately waiting for resettlement, and we hope the government will continue to increase the humanitarian intake.


Make a donation

Donate to help Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project to support people seeking asylum with housing and essential living expenses   Donate here

Donate here to support the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre so they can continue their work in supporting refugees and people seeking asylum.

Refugee Legal Services also need your support:  Donate to Refugee Legal  or   RACS




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